Tuesday, January 17, 2012

171 Days

I just sent in my final papers for the application process... Exciting!!!!!!
Within three weeks I should find out if I made it into the program. I hope I did!

Anyways... I have been coming up with a list of things that I want to get done in Paris and I will be adding to it as I go along. Feel free to comment with any ideas!
  1. Buy a baguette
  2. Have crepes with banana and Nutella
  3. Watch people while drinking a coffee
  4. Act like a real Parisian
  5. Be fascinated by at least one thing each day
  6. Go to an outdoor market for breakfast
  7. Swim in a fountain that you aren't supposed to go in
  8. Get a taxi (even though they are so damn expensive)
  9. Make a gendarme smile at Le Louvre
  10. Stare at a piece of art and look like you are analyzing it
  11. Actually analyze a piece of art
  12. Eat an escargot
  13. Have a fluent conversation with a french person
  14. Wear a beret
  15. Learn to cook something other than pasta
I'm hoping to make this list as long as possible, so I never run out of little things to do.


  1. I suggest these http://stylestuddedfairy.blogspot.com/2012/06/how-to-be-lover-in-paris.html . It tells you how to be a lover in Paris but there are some things mentioned that seemed really fun to do. ^_^

    1. Aww man that makes me wish I had a boyfriend! That has such good ideas I'll have to do them over there! Thank you!
