Monday, May 7, 2012

60 Days

Being sick sucks, but it gives me a lot of time to think. And when I have time to think, my mind always wanders to Paris. I've been thinking about how the Lizzie McGuire Movie and Monte Carlo have really set the bar high for my trip. Because of these movies I now expect to have a famous twin and end up going on a huge adventure that I could get in a lot of trouble for. So to my uber rich doppelgänger, make sure you have something fun planned for me. Yesterday I was in New York City with my sister and I had to take the train home by myself. So I was in Penn Station and about 15 minutes before my train got there I realized I had no idea where I was going and I started freaking out. The track that I was going to was literally right in front of me and I couldn't find it. I got on my train fine but it made me realize how incompetent I am going to be in Paris, where they don't even speak English. How am I going to make it? I'm going to have to study the Metro map before I go... Well Paris keeps getting closer and closer and I keep getting more and more excited! Exactly two months from now I will be on my way!

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