Monday, April 23, 2012

74 Days


I have recently been exposed to the beauty of a website called Piccsy, and I absolutely love it. It is quite similar to Tumblr, but I like it a lot better. It has the most gorgeous, the most inspirational, and the most adorable pictures that I have come across. And, unlike Tumblr, it is based solely on art and quotes. So, no band, movie, or TV show blogs. Don't get me wrong, it has album covers and stuff of that sort, but usually only if it is artsy enough to comply with the site's standards.

How does this have to do with Paris?

Well I have found beautiful pictures of Paris and other french cities/actresses/food and although I have not dedicated my Piccsy account only for that (some of the other pictures were just too pretty not to repost), a good deal of it is!

If you are interested in this sort of thing I highly recommend it! I have been a bit obsessed with going on it lately... So I warn you about that.

C'est tout pour aujourd'hui!

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